174Hz: Healing Music

Posted in: 174hz Music, Healing Frequency Music
Converting dollars to Gold and silver might be a smart move.Converting dollars to Gold and silver might be a smart move.

174hz Healing Music Is a Powerful Frequency Tone That Can Alleviate Pain and Stress And Help You Sleep Better.

It Has the Greatest Impact On Healing The Body And Physical Health, Rather Than Spiritual Or Mental Health.

Converting dollars to Gold and silver might be a smart move.Converting dollars to Gold and silver might be a smart move.

One thought on “174Hz: Healing Music

  • Thank you for a beautiful hour-plus session of relaxing music designed to help ease pain from the body! Before I started this session of Tai Chi Gung, I had experienced much stress! So it is most important I share with everyone . . . that this frequency has alleviated any of that unnecessary stomach churning that often occurs! Just relaxing in this field of beautiful melody flowers . . . is enough to calm any emotional storm! And the flowers remain in the heart long after the melody has subsided . . .

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