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What makes the Healing Frequency Music Unique?

Much of the healing frequency music available focuses on tones that resonate outside the physical body. While this is soothing, it also takes the listener out of their body.

In Tai Chi Gung (Tai: Grand or Life; Chi: Energy; Gung: Temple or Body) we learn that to promote health and healing, it is incredibly valuable to bring the Spirit, Mind and Body together; not separate them.

So from the simplest piano piece, to the most complex orchestral arrangement, the low tones; the fundamental sounds from which the higher frequencies resonate underpin the entire piece.

While some of the healing frequency music claims to be 432hz. The sounds being played are almost completely devoid of that frequency. Master David’s 432 hz music is in the Key of A (432 is the note A). While it includes other notes, it wraps the 432 with all the supporting notes around it.

In graduate school, Master David did a thesis on the very nature of inspiring the soul through music. What is it that connects us to the infinite when we listen?

This led him to the study and practice of Tai Chi Gung. It is the connection to the energy through music that produces the chill up and down the spine, that opens the gates of heaven.

A musician in tune with the frequencies of the angels, of the 5th dimension, of the 6th dimension can convey this through their music.

Master David has spent more than 30 years practicing Tai Chi Gung to learn how to do this well. His music will open the gates of heaven for those willing to walk through.

“Thank you all. It means a lot to me that in the midst of your busy life, you took the time to listen to this music. I deeply appreciate your interest.  I encourage you to investigate Tai Chi Gung with Master Lama Rasaji. It opened the world of abundance for me. If you are called to practice, it will bring you incredible peace.”

Master David


David Paul began his music career as a full time symphony violinist. His mentor was Ruben Gonzalez, the concertmaster of the Chicago Symphony for many years; considered in the classical music universe, among the top 20 violinists in the world.

David pursued an artistic career, in spite of a gift for academic achievement. He is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa honor society and a National Merit Scholar. His Bachelor’s degree is from St. Olaf College where he graduated with departmental distinction with a 4.2 grade average. He attended graduate school at Rice University on a double scholarship, serving as Maestro Gonzalez’s teaching assistant and playing in the Rice University Honors String Quartet.

David met Master Lama Rasaji at age 25 while in his first year of full time symphony work. He began practicing the exercises daily. They soon ignited an interest in improvisation, composing and arranging. After 28 years of daily practice, David was granted the title of Tai Chi Gung Master. He is currently the only certified Tai Chi Gung Master in Lao Tzu’s 3000 year order living in the United States.

David has produced 6 CDs of original work over the past 25 years.  These preceded his recent effort to share a new piece of music each day. To do this, Master David has learned that when he does his Tai Chi Gung exercises, he enters the Tao, the eternal present, the higher dimensions. From there, he plays either piano, violin or guitar and records the new music shared with him, on the 1st take.

Because the audience is hearing the original inspiration of the piece, they can tap into the full power of the music. The are not hearing just a recreation of the tune, they are listening to the creation itself. This makes this music profoundly unique in a world of loops, pre-sets and auto tuned performing.