396Hz – Dissolve Negativity

Posted in: 396hz Music, Healing Frequency Music
Steve Lepkowski informs us all about 5G & EMF RadiationSteve Lepkowski informs us all about 5G & EMF Radiation

396 Hz Dissolves Negativity, Subconscious Fears, Worries, Doubt, and Anxiety. It Boosts Your Ability to Find Inner Peace!

It Can Also Be Used To Ground, Awaken, Sober, and Return to Reality!

Steve Lepkowski informs us all about 5G & EMF RadiationSteve Lepkowski informs us all about 5G & EMF Radiation

One thought on “396Hz – Dissolve Negativity

  • This piece is yet another frequency that is perfection for Tai Chi Gung! My session went especially well this evening, and no doubt the inner peace beyond ALL worries or concerns prevailed! There was not a thought that was not calming and relaxing! The easy dissolution of negativity and all feelings connected to it . . . was purely peaceful and calming from all emotional aspects. This specific healing frequency is especially effective in removing all aspects of doubt or anxiety! Thank you so much, Master David! Abba has truly blessed you with the wonderful gift of heavenly music that is vitally necessary to calm our world today, which is challenged in ways too numerous to mention! Yet the simple process of doing Tai Chi Gung to these marvelous frequencies is truly a treasure beyond compare! Thank you so much . . . . . the value of this music is way beyond expectations!

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